Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Curious or enthusiastic to learn more about Reiki Healing, Rose’s methods as a spiritual practitioner, & more?
Check here for answers to frequently asked questions & recommendations for services.
What is…
Reiki is a Japanese technique for accessing and re-directing the radiant life force energy of love.
The word Reiki is comprised of two Japanese kanji. Rei, the innate wisdom stemming from the god conscious. & Ki, vital life force energy.
When one comes in contact with Reiki they are coming in contact with spiritually guided life force energy.
This healing art form is used to treat the body on the emotional, spiritual, & physical level by cleansing the chakras & activating the body’s ability to self heal.
Reiki was remembered (as it exists innately within all living things & energetic beings) by Mikao Usui on his search for a way to heal through the light of God.
Reiki has no spiritual denomination, meaning it can be practiced alongside or without a religious practice.
Gendai Reiki Ho is a modern method for Reiki Healing developed by Hiroshi Do in the late 1990’s as a means of unifying the diverse teachings on Reiki being developed across the globe through various cultures in Japan, East Asia, Hawaii, Germany, throughout Europe, and America.
While Reiki’s early phases of development take place in Japan it quickly makes its way to East Asia. In the societal collapse that follows war Reiki is almost all but lost to Japan following world war two.
In the early phases of the war Reiki and its teachings are kept safe by the Usui Reiki Gakkai, the guild established to preserve the original history and teachings of Mikao Usui. During this similar time in a twist of fate a Japanese American woman named Ms. Hayao Takata is trained in Reiki through the Gakkai’s late president & brings it west to Hawaii.
Reiki makes major developments abroad with major veins developing in The United States, Germany, & Japan.
As Reiki makes its return to Japan Hiroshi Doi becomes an avid student and practitioner. Learning through teachers of diverse backgrounds Hiroshi Doi provides a unique perspective on the cultural contexts and variances throughout Reiki subcultures and their teachings. Hiroshi Doi’s perspective is enhanced by his training with the Usui Reiki Gakkai, the guild established to preserve Mikao Usui’s orignal teachings.
In a Reiki session a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher uses various high vibrational healing techniques to remove and restore flow to stagnant energy to promote an overall greater sense of wellness on an emotional, physical, and spiritual plane.
The most prominent shift will be felt within the first 48 hours following a session and trickle out over the next several days before the energy settles in.
In a Reiki attunement a Reiki Master Teacher utilizes a fine tuned high vibrational healing technique to place symbols for healing on various chakras along the base of the neck and the top of the head. The conditions for Reiki energy to flow are set and students are then sealed in a healing vibration at various degrees with the ability to access Reiki for healing. Attunements are a sacred initiation in the Usui Reiki lineage and permanently alter the students state of consciousness.
The most prominent shift in energy following an attunement will take place in an initial 21 day purge known as a Reiki Cleanse. It takes approximately 3-12 months (6 months on average) to integrate the shifts and changes in energy from a Reiki Attunement. Students are sealed indefinitely in a higher vibration at various degrees.
Reiki attunements initiate a permanent shift in consciousness. A proper plan of care for preparation and integration will always be offered prior to an attunement. Rose believes in order to facilitate a truly healing experience it is vital all participants are participating from a place of informed and enthusiastic consent with some degree of experience with the healing nature of Reiki.
A Reiki Attunement or Rei-Ju is a sacred initiation into the Usui Reiki Lineage of hand healers.
Reiki Attunements empower the hands and heart at various degrees to allow one to access Reiki Healing at various degrees through self purifying Giho or self healing practices.
A Reiki Master Teacher has been attuned to and trained in all four degrees of Reiki.
Alongside that a Reiki Master Practitioner is marked by their capacity to completely surrender to the will of Reiki and enter a state of complete compasssion and selflessness at any point in time.
A Reiki Master Teacher has been attuned to the healing, teachings, history, and practices of Reiki Healing and has fully dedicated themselves to the path of Reiki Healing.
Hannah Rosalie is a certified Reiki Master Teacher who holds not only all four certificates and trainings required to be a Reiki Master Teacher but also a sacred relationship with a myriad of mentors and teachers constantly preparing her to hold space for your expansion and growth.
Born into a living lineage of healers Rose has had one on one guidance and support from a team of qualified healers since her own spiritual journey began in 2017.
Rose has been diligently training for several years to carry on the healing practices and code of ethics cultivated from within her family.
She is currently a dedicated student to three Reiki Master teachers, a previous student of conscious communal creation, Navajo teachings, crystal healing, & healing through numbers with the Archangels.
A dedicated student of the ever unfolding mystery she is currently immersed in a mentorship program to learn the teachings of Sufi Mysticism.
Where are you located?
Rose is committed to bringing care to locations convenient to you.
See a list of trusted venues throughout Green Valley, Tucson, & Scottsdale for your next private session or join us for an event.
Benefits of Reiki Healing
Energy Healing has many proven benefits including but not limited to its ability to
. Reduce inflammation
. Promote a greater sense of relaxation
. Release trauma stored in the body
. Activate the body’s ability to repair itself
. Increase intuition & a stronger sense of mental well being/clarity
. Clear the path to manifestations
. Initiate flow in areas of our lives plagued by stagnation
It can even be used in addition to other modalities of healing to support chronic pain management
Routine Care
Routine Care
Why do I recommend routine exposure to Reiki over just one session?
Because routine spiritual maintenance makes a difference.
Long term exposure to healing energies is almost necessary to truly benefit from the sheer level of opportunity & blessings presented to you through coming in contact with life force energy.
The reason being, our energy is like a bucket of water. Throughout the course of our life we pick up energy from our experiences. Without consistent spiritual cleansings or energy healing overtime our bucket becomes full of sand, sediment, leaves, & twigs, blockages in our energy develop & stagnation builds as a result.
After weeks, months, & more commonly even years of energy has built up it simply takes more than one session to sift through.
When we are exposed to healing energies such as Reiki it is as if we have put our bucket of water under a facet. For a time the sediment in our bucket will spin, lift, & even flow out of the bucket before the debris inevitably settles again.
Through repeated exposure to energy healing we can restore flow to the energy centers long enough to clear them of energetic debris so that they may maintain the flow of energy moving forward as where in instances where we address the energy once it is likely for energy blockages to re settle in the body.
Recommendation For Services
Not sure which service is right for you? Click the box that best describes you & your current circumstance for a general recommendation for services.
& Don’t forget you can always receive a personalized recommendation for services during a complimnetary consultation call!
New to the world of Tarot Readings, Reiki, & other forms of energy healing. You are curious to explore but unsure of what/where/how to start your guided journey with spirituality.
Rose’s Recommendation:
Book a private session to get a feel for one on one work with a spiritual practitioner & determine if my style of healing feels like a good fit for you.
Aware of your gifts & awakened to the incredibly spiritual world around us. You have enough experience with Tarot Readings, energy healing, & spiritual practices as a whole to know there is more for you to discover within.
Rose’s Recommendation:
Become a clear channel for manifestation, higher truths, & your own innate spiritual calling through a 3-6 sessions where we will clear the energy centers of major debris as well as develop the skills necessary for connecting with your own psychic senses & intuition.
You’ve received several sessions, you know you were born for something more, and you’re ready to commit yourself to your highest healing.
Chat with Rose and see if a Reiki Attunement is right for you.